Friday, December 31, 2010

January Newsletter

Kindergarten News

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! It’s so weird to think- it’s 2011! I hope your Holiday’s/ Vacation time was pleasant. I can just imagine your cute kids faces enjoying this wonderful season! I can’t believe how fast this school year is flying by. I certainly missed your cute kids over the break and am sooooo excited to get back to our everyday routines!
Now that it’s the New Year and time for resolutions, I would like to challenge each of you parents to make a new reading goal with your kindergarten student. Sit down with them and decide how you can both help them to become a better reader. My goal is to have each of your students on an instructional reading Level C by the end of May. (Independently reading on a Level B.) However, I can’t get their by myself, it will take all of us working together! But, I know we can do it!!!!
Parents, please practice sight words EVERY NIGHT with your students. I have pulled many students lately who do not seem sure of the words on the most recent word list they brought home. I would appreciate that along with reading every night, if you would please review ALL the sight words. It is crucial to their development in reading!
Also, since it is the beginning of January, please send back your read aloud charts for December as a new one for January is included in tonight’s homework.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 2010 News

Dear Parents,

Welcome to December! Can you believe it? We have been learning up a storm inside our Kindergarten Classroom. We finished our introduction of letters. We learned and started our center rotation, and have switched around Power Hour groups because your Kindergarten students are really learning!
We have several students who are starting to bring home READ ALOUD books that they read to you instead of you reading to them. This is fantastic! I hope you make a big deal of this at home, because it is such an exciting new discovery for them.
Parents, please practice sight words EVERY NIGHT with your students. I have pulled many students lately who do not seem sure of the words on the most recent word list they brought home. I would appreciate that along with reading every night, if you would please review these words. It is crucial to their development in reading!
Also, since it is the beginning of December, please send back your blue read aloud charts for November as a new one for December is included in tonight’s homework.
We can still use a few Parent Volunteers in our class. If you have any free time in the mornings around 9:30, would you please call and let me know. We would love to have you help in our room!